
Google rank

Every person who has longed website google rank of # 1 to optimize traffic visitor.Why is that?Because the Google ranking rank No. 1 means the possibility of visitors will visit a web site for more than the existing website in bellow.Most people will always read the top part first, and then down to the bottom.And the first page and then the next page, the further opening of the next page will be lazy.That is why most of the webmaster is always trying to make its site occupies no 1 google rank forbring in traffic.no traffic => no moneyThere are two ways to occupy google rank # 1, namely:1. through SEO (search engine optimization)2. through PPC (pay per click) in this case Google adwordstill confused? Above is the site Search the money on the internet is at No. 1 position with the keyword "make money on the internet"(At this moment, anytime can change).With a position on any person who type a keyword search of money on the internet website Find money on the Internet appeared on the Google car led lights rank No. 1, so google gives free traffic.why free?because google also provides a special column on the right, but we have to pay the way through adword.It means this, if someone type the keyword search of money on the internet then google will place our website on the right top of the page, but this still depends on the Motorcycle Helmet cost bid offered by adword. (This is paid)obviously not?Because the cost needed for the adword, so many people use the first choice of SEO (search engine optimization). Is an example website Search for money on the internet is using SEO (search engine optimization). How to optimize your SEO for a website? go to my site about the Google rank # 1.

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