
WiFi Government and Military Security Consultants

It would be wise to read up on the latest WiFi security, IT, Wireless case studies and white papers pertaining to military security if you are going to consider a job as a WiFi security consultant. Over the past year I have accumulated literature and research on this subject and indeed, much of it is very interesting to read. Personally I have more than 50 white papers and case studies, as my primary objective in this is to study how to keep our "Blue Force" safe from a military enemy. In the future our enemies will use hacking techniques and try to turn our blue force (friendlies, allies and out own team) into "Red Force" (enemy forces) on the Net Centric driven battlespace composites and 4 dimensional screens. This of course causing us to kill our own soldiers, airmen and Marines in the fog of war with friendly fire; not exactly something you want to explain to the fallen soldiers next of kin. All military technology teams and war planners must be thinking here or we will end up destroying ourselves from within as Sun Tzu strategy predicts. Indeed it may just be the Chinese video game player today who becomes an enemy military hacker tomorrow.

There is also another sinister concept afoot and it is intent on taking the future of WiMax as a strategy LED Faucet Lights to gap the digital divide, to do harm to the human body or alter states of mind. Yet others are looking at ways to prevent the WiMax blast wireless system to all without causing signals, which might cause adverse effects and free radicals to the human biosystem.

Some say PS2 Adapter government agencies are clueless, in fact a study done by the GAO determined that 60% of all Government Wireless Systems were not LED Faucet Lights able to keep the iPad Screen Protectors data safe. Those who LED Faucet Lights say the government is clueless, well you are correct, this is a completely serious issue and most people as you state have "NO CLUE." Let’s hope the Military LED Faucet Lights and NSA do, otherwise we will need more body bags for the next conflict, think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs/